Game plan for this site

Game plan for this site

Now that I have the site setup, what am I planning to do with it? Well, its pretty bare bones currently. I think I want my goals of this personal site to be:

  1. Testing new technologies in a safe space
  2. Creating a store of blog posts to help me present myself better for CFP submissions
  3. Get more into a rhythm of consistent writing

With that all layed out, how do I get there? I think creating of some todo list, this lived on the websites homepage originally but maybe I make a secondary page for a sort of todo list that would help me improve my workflow - that way I know what I want to do with this. In the past I've leaned on trello which was successful but as its just me I think I'll just work through text.

Tasks to meet my goals

Below is a task list - I'll have to figure out how to display this better

  • Setting up site in Deno & Fresh

  • Goal 1

    • Setting up site in Deno & Fresh
    • Set up for deno deploy
    • CSS container queries
    • Color Swapper
    • JS Sets
    • Web components
    • Explore WASM
  • Goal 2

    • Setup Blog
    • Add comments - Do I want this?
    • Add tags
    • Add RSS Feed
  • Goal 3

    • Recurring - 4 blog posts a week for the month of July (20 by the end of the month) - Do I want a checkbox to let me
  • General Site goals

    • Generate about page
    • Re-buy domain & Connect
    • Work page


I'd like to try making some fun projects that are pushing me more that I have in a while. We'll wee if this truly occurs but its my hope. I think there is some real work that I can do to get there so we'll see where we get.
