Creating the blog

Creating the blog

Thought a good blog post may be me working through a tutorial to set this up. I had a few problems as I didn't want this to be a single project repo. To get me started I've used this tutorial which I found really useful! That said there were a few differences that I found pretty quickly


This was written on an older version of deno. Due to the platform moving so fast, I couldn't use the same package of std that came with the blog writer so I ended up having to import and older version (0.151.0) to enable me to parse things the way the guide had suggested.

I Opted to use a /modules file structure as I found this to be really intuitive on other projects. Due to this, I ended up moving most of the files they encouraged me to make over to /modules/blog.

Take away

Thought this was a pretty solid tutorial. Had me working through something I wanted to set up anyway! The variations made it a little confusing (along with the typos in the post [bad import]). But safe to say I really enjoyed my time and am looking forward to me working of this further as I move through this. I'd recommend this tutorial for anyone looking to setup a blog with fresh.

Relevant Tags: personalsite_progress